Wonky offers tasty and healthy snacks full of rescued vegetables. That way Wonky wants to stop food waste. No time to lose, because 45% of all vegetables is wasted. With the Wonky dips & spreads they offer an easy and tasty way to tackle the food waste problem.
The vegetables that Wonky uses are perfectly qualitative. They would have been thrown away because of aesthetic reasons, efficiency or overstock. Concrete examples of vegetables they rescue: broccoli and cauliflower stems, basil stems, wrongly cut carrots, bell pepper with pigment spots, etc.
The basic ingredient of each Wonky dip is the rescued vegetables, which is healthy, they say. Furthermore the dips are 100% plant-based, free of gluten and lactose. Soon they will be 100% natural as well, without any artificial additive. That’s why the Wonky dips are the perfect healthy snack, healthy appetizer or healthy lunch.
Wonky products are available in Belgium at Colruyt supermarkets and in Denmark at Meny supermarkets.